Econometric Society 2023 Australasia Meeting

UNSW Business School at the University of New South Wales, Sydney

All times below are in AEDT

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August 7, 2023
Time Location Event
09:00 to 16:00 Colombo
10:15 to 10:30 Colombo Th A
Welcome address by Carlos Pimieta
10:30 to 12:00 Colombo Th A
Sargan Lecture 1 (R. Giacomini)
12:00 to 13:00 Colombo
13:00 to 14:30 Colombo Th A
Sargan Lecture 2 (R. Giacomini)
14:30 to 15:00 Colombo
Afternoon break
15:00 to 16:30 Colombo Th A
Sargan Lecture 3 (R. Giacomini)
16:30 to 18:00 Welcome reception
August 8, 2023
Time Location Event
08:30 to 17:00 Colombo
09:00 to 10:00 Colombo Th A
Swan Lecture: Chad Jones
10:00 to 10:30 Colombo
Morning Break
10:30 to 12:10 see below Parallel Session 1
12:10 to 13:40 Colombo
Lunch + Policy Panel
13:40 to 15:20 see below Parallel Session 2
15:20 to 15:50 Colombo
Afternoon break
15:50 to 17:30 see below Parallel Session 3
August 9, 2023
Time Location Event
08:30 to 17:00 Colombo
09:00 to 10:00 Colombo Th A
Colin Clark Lecture: Stephen Morris
10:00 to 10:30 Colombo
Morning break
10:30 to 12:10 see below Parallel Session 4
12:10 to 13:10 Colombo
12:20 to 13:00 Colombo LG01 Mentoring Session (Petra Todd + Stephen Morris + Wouter den Haan)
13:10 to 14:50 see below Parallel Session 5
14:50 to 15:20 Colombo
Afternoon break
15:20 to 16:20 Colombo Th A
Hannan Lecture: Stephane Bonhomme
16:20 to 16:50 Colombo
Afternoon break
16:50 to 18:30 see below Parallel Session 6
19:00 to 22:00 The Lounge
Conference dinner
August 10, 2023
Time Location Event
08:30 to 12:00 Colombo
09:00 to 10:00 Colombo Th A
Phillips Lecture: Petra Todd
10:00 to 10:30 Colombo
Morning break
10:30 to 12:10 see below Parallel Session 7
12:10 to 13:10 Colombo
12:20 to 13:00 Colombo LG01 Mentoring Session (Nico Voigtländer + Pauline Grosjean)
13:10 to 14:50 see below Parallel Session 8
14:50 to 15:00 Afternoon break
15:00 to 15:20 Colombo Th A
Closing remarks by Richard Holden
15:20 to 17:00 Colombo Farewell drinks


Program Notes and Index of Sessions

Sargan Lecture 1 (R. Giacomini)
Location: Colombo Th A
August 7, 2023 10:30 to 12:00
Topic: Econometric policy analysis under uncertainty shock identification
Lecture Slides
Lecture Recording

Sargan Lecture 2 (R. Giacomini)
Location: Colombo Th A
August 7, 2023 13:00 to 14:30
Topic: Econometric policy analysis under uncertainty about shock measurement
Lecture Slides
Lecture Recording

Sargan Lecture 3 (R. Giacomini)
Location: Colombo Th A
August 7, 2023 15:00 to 16:30
Topic: Econometric policy analysis under uncertainty about control group validity
Lecture Slides
Lecture Recording

Welcome reception
August 7, 2023 16:30 to 18:00
Location: Colombo

Swan Lecture: Chad Jones
Location: Colombo Th A
August 8, 2023 09:00 to 10:00
Topic: Population and welfare: the greatest good for the greatest number
Lecture Slides
Lecture Recording

Parallel Session 1
Locations: click on each session to see location
August 8, 2023 10:30 to 12:10
Taxes and Regulation , Col LG01
Mechanism Design I , Col LG02
Estimating treatment effects , Col ThB
Expectations and Attention , BUS 115
Econometric theory , BUS 119
International Macroeconomics , BUS 130
Gender and Group Identity , BUS 216
Educational investments , Colombo Th C

Parallel Session 2
Locations: click on each session to see location
August 8, 2023 13:40 to 15:20
Monetary Policy I , Col LG01
Banking and Microstructure , Col LG02
Market Design: Invited Speaker Session (Isa Hafalir and Fuhito Kojima) , Col ThB
Causal inference , Colombo Th C
Micro Heterogeneity in Macroeconomics , BUS 115
Schooling , BUS 119
Fertility, Marriage and Leave , BUS 130
Political Economy , BUS 216

Parallel Session 3
Locations: click on each session to see location
August 8, 2023 15:50 to 17:30
Education , Col LG01
Macroeconometric methods , Col LG02
Applied Theory: Invited Speaker Session (Richard Holden and Steven Callander) , Col ThB
Labor market competition , Colombo Th C
Growth and Firms , BUS 115
Organizations and Competition Policy , BUS 119
Health , BUS 130
Asset Pricing and Funds , BUS 216

Colin Clark Lecture: Stephen Morris
Location: Colombo Th A
August 9, 2023 09:00 to 10:00
Topic: Information Design, Informational Robustness and Non-Linear Pricing
Lecture Recording

Parallel Session 4
Locations: click on each session to see location
August 9, 2023 10:30 to 12:10
Government Policy, Firm and Industry Dynamics , Col LG02
Applied Economics: Invited Speaker Session (Michael Keane and Marc Chan) , Col ThB
Financial Intermediation , Colombo C
Search , BUS 205
Skills and Occupations , Col LG01
Information Design , BUS 119
Social and political consequences of conflict , BUS 130
Public Policy , BUS 216

Parallel Session 5
Locations: click on each session to see location
August 9, 2023 13:10 to 14:50
Decision Theory , Col LG01
Machine learning methods , Col LG02
Macro: Invited Speaker Session (Chris Edmond and Pablo Ottonello) , Col ThB
Gender inequality , Colombo Th C
Prejudice, anti-social behavior, and gambling , BUS 205
Network Economics , BUS 119
Heterogeneity, networks and peers , BUS 130
Dynamic Impacts of Trade , BUS 216

Hannan Lecture: Stephane Bonhomme
Location: Colombo Th A
August 9, 2023 15:20 to 16:20
Topic: Fixed Effects and Beyond
Lecture Recording

Parallel Session 6
Locations: click on each session to see location
August 9, 2023 16:50 to 18:30
Misallocation and Inequality , Col LG01
Risk, Inequality and Trading Firms , Col LG02
Markets, Platforms and Business Practices , Colombo Th C
Monetary Policy II , BUS 205
Applied microeconometrics , BUS 119
Contract Theory , BUS 130
Early Childhood Development , BUS 216
Econometrics: Invited Speaker Session (Nadja Klein and Robert Kohn) , Col ThB

Phillips Lecture: Petra Todd
Location: Colombo Th A
August 10, 2023 09:00 to 10:00
Topic: Insights from richer data: incorporating personality traits into microeconomic models
Lecture Recording

Parallel Session 7
Locations: click on each session to see location
August 10, 2023 10:30 to 12:10
Taxation , Col LG01
High dimensional methods , Col LG02
Environment and behavior , Colombo Th C
Dynamics and forecasting , BUS 205
Conflict/History , BUS 119
Mechanism Design II , BUS 130
Macro: Invited speaker session (Wouter den Haan and Greg Kaplan) , Col ThB

Parallel Session 8
Locations: click on each session to see location
August 10, 2023 13:10 to 14:50
Non-Rational Agents , BUS 205
Financial Frictions , Col LG01
Market Mechanisms , Col LG02
Applied Economics: Invited (Pauline Grosjean and Nico Voigtländer) , Col ThB
Information Economics , Colombo Th C
Topics in Labor Economics and Aging , BUS 119


Summary of All Sessions

Click here for an index of all participants

# Date/Time Type Title/Location Papers
1 August 8, 2023
contributed Taxes and Regulation

    Location: Col LG01

2 August 8, 2023
contributed Mechanism Design I

    Location: Col LG02

3 August 8, 2023
contributed Estimating treatment effects

    Location: Col ThB

4 August 8, 2023
contributed Expectations and Attention

    Location: BUS 115

5 August 8, 2023
contributed Econometric theory

    Location: BUS 119

6 August 8, 2023
contributed International Macroeconomics

    Location: BUS 130

7 August 8, 2023
contributed Gender and Group Identity

    Location: BUS 216

8 August 8, 2023
contributed Educational investments

    Location: Colombo Th C

9 August 8, 2023
contributed Monetary Policy I

    Location: Col LG01

10 August 8, 2023
contributed Banking and Microstructure

    Location: Col LG02

11 August 8, 2023
invited Market Design: Invited Speaker Session (Isa Hafalir and Fuhito Kojima)

    Location: Col ThB

12 August 8, 2023
contributed Causal inference

    Location: Colombo Th C

13 August 8, 2023
contributed Micro Heterogeneity in Macroeconomics

    Location: BUS 115

14 August 8, 2023
contributed Schooling

    Location: BUS 119

15 August 8, 2023
contributed Fertility, Marriage and Leave

    Location: BUS 130

16 August 8, 2023
contributed Political Economy

    Location: BUS 216

17 August 8, 2023
contributed Education

    Location: Col LG01

18 August 8, 2023
contributed Macroeconometric methods

    Location: Col LG02

19 August 8, 2023
invited Applied Theory: Invited Speaker Session (Richard Holden and Steven Callander)

    Location: Col ThB

20 August 8, 2023
contributed Labor market competition

    Location: Colombo Th C

21 August 8, 2023
contributed Growth and Firms

    Location: BUS 115

22 August 8, 2023
contributed Organizations and Competition Policy

    Location: BUS 119

23 August 8, 2023
contributed Health

    Location: BUS 130

24 August 8, 2023
contributed Asset Pricing and Funds

    Location: BUS 216

25 August 9, 2023
contributed Government Policy, Firm and Industry Dynamics

    Location: Col LG02

26 August 9, 2023
invited Applied Economics: Invited Speaker Session (Michael Keane and Marc Chan)

    Location: Col ThB

27 August 9 2023,
contributed Financial Intermediation

    Location: Colombo Th C

28 August 9, 2023
contributed Search

    Location: BUS 205

29 August 9, 2023
contributed Skills and Occupations

    Location: Col LG01

30 August 9, 2023
contributed Information Design

    Location: BUS 119

31 August 9, 2023
contributed Social and political consequences of conflict

    Location: BUS 130

32 August 9, 2023
contributed Public Policy

    Location: BUS 216

33 August 9, 2023
contributed Decision Theory

    Location: Col LG01

34 August 9, 2023
contributed Machine learning methods

    Location: Col LG02

35 August 9, 2023
invited Macro: Invited Speaker Session (Chris Edmond)

    Location: Col ThB

36 August 9, 2023
contributed Gender inequality

    Location: Colombo Th C

37 August 9, 2023
contributed Prejudice, anti-social behavior, and gambling

    Location: BUS 205

38 August 9, 2023
contributed Network Economics

    Location: BUS 119

39 August 9, 2023
contributed Heterogeneity, networks and peers

    Location: BUS 130

40 August 9, 2023
contributed Dynamic Impacts of Trade

    Location: BUS 216

41 August 9, 2023
contributed Misallocation and Inequality

    Location: Col LG01

42 August 9, 2023
contributed Risk, Inequality and Trading Firms

    Location: Col LG02

43 August 9, 2023
contributed Markets, Platforms and Business Practices

    Location: Colombo Th C

44 August 9, 2023
contributed Monetary Policy II

    Location: BUS 205

45 August 9, 2023
contributed Applied microeconometrics

    Location: BUS 119

46 August 9, 2023
contributed Contract Theory

    Location: BUS 130

47 August 9, 2023
contributed Early Childhood Development

    Location: BUS 216

48 August 9, 2023
invited Econometrics: Invited Speaker Session (Nadja Klein and Robert Kohn)

    Location: Col ThB

49 August 10, 2023
contributed Taxation

    Location: Col LG01

50 August 10, 2023
contributed High dimensional methods

    Location: Col LG02

51 August 10, 2023
contributed Environment and behavior

    Location: Colombo Th C

52 August 10, 2023
contributed Dynamics and forecasting

    Location: BUS 205

53 August 10, 2023
contributed Conflict/History

    Location: BUS 119

54 August 10, 2023
contributed Mechanism Design II

    Location: BUS 130

55 August 10, 2023
contributed Non-Rational Agents

    Location: BUS 205

56 August 10, 2023
contributed Financial Frictions

    Location: Col LG01

57 August 10, 2023
contributed Market Mechanisms

    Location: Col LG02

58 August 10, 2023
invited Applied Economics: Invited (Pauline Grosjean and Nico Voigtländer)

    Location: Col ThB

59 August 10, 2023
contributed Information Economics

    Location: Colombo Th C

60 August 10, 2023
contributed Topics in Labor Economics and Aging

    Location: BUS 119


60 sessions, 209 papers, and 0 presentations with no associated papers


Econometric Society 2023 Australasia Meeting

Detailed List of Sessions

Session 1: Taxes and Regulation
August 8, 2023 10:30 to 12:10
Location: Col LG01
Session Chair: Xuan Zhou , Reserve Bank of Australia
Session type: contributed

Effects of Government Regulation of Diesel and Petrol Prices on GDP Growth: Evidence from China
   presented by: Markus Brueckner , Australian National University

Taxing Top Incomes in a World of Entrepreneurs
   presented by: Yanran Guo , University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

Taxation, Informality and Public Debt
   presented by: Ojasvita Bahl , Indian Statistical Institute Delhi

Changes in the Composition of Tax Revenues: Implications for Monetary and Fiscal Policy
   presented by: Xuan Zhou , Reserve Bank of Australia
Session 2: Mechanism Design I
August 8, 2023 10:30 to 12:10
Location: Col LG02
Session Chair: Claudio Mezzetti , University of Queensland
Session type: contributed

Assignment mechanisms with public preferences and independent types
   presented by: Francisco Silva , Deakin University

Strong Monotonicity and Perturbation-Proofness of Exchange Economies
   presented by: Mitchell Watt , Stanford University

Information Favoritism and Scoring Bias in Contests
   presented by: Qiang Fu , National University of Singapore

When Lindahl and Samuelson Meet Vickrey, Clarke, and Groves
   presented by: Claudio Mezzetti , University of Queensland
Session 3: Estimating treatment effects
August 8, 2023 10:30 to 12:10
Location: Col ThB
Session Chair: Carolina Caetano , University of Georgia
Session type: contributed

Differences-in-differences with endogenous treatment decisions
   presented by: Wooyong Lee , University of Technology Sydney

Personalized Subsidy Rules
   presented by: Yu-Chang Chen , National Taiwan University

Dynamic Treatment Effects with Endogenous and Varying-intensity Treatments
   presented by: Dakyung Seong , University of Sydney

Identification and Estimation of Average Marginal Treatment Effects with a Bunching Design
   presented by: Carolina Caetano , University of Georgia
Session 4: Expectations and Attention
August 8, 2023 10:30 to 12:10
Location: BUS 115
Session Chair: Chang Liu , National University of Singapore
Session type: contributed

Consumption Response to Anticipated Income Changes: Evidence from the Magnitude Effect
   presented by: Melissa Song , Texas A &M University

Rational Inattention, Endogenous Long-run Risk and the Real Exchange Rate
   presented by: Wei Li , Shanghai University of Finance and Economics

Heterogeneous Experience and Constant-gain Learning
   presented by: Michael Shin , The University of Sydney

Attention to Inflation
   presented by: Chang Liu , National University of Singapore
Session 5: Econometric theory
August 8, 2023 10:30 to 12:10
Location: BUS 119
Session Chair: Brendan Beare , University of Sydney
Session type: contributed

GMM estimation for moment condition models with time-varying parameters
   presented by: Yu Bai , Monash University

Faster estimation of dynamic discrete choice models using index sufficiency
   presented by: Jackson Bunting , Texas A &M University

Partial Identification of Objective Functions in Parametrized Optimization Problems
   presented by: Juergen Meinecke , Australian National University

Modified Wilcoxon-Mann-Whitney tests of stochastic dominance
   presented by: Brendan Beare , University of Sydney
Session 6: International Macroeconomics
August 8, 2023 10:30 to 12:10
Location: BUS 130
Session Chair: Naveed Javed , University of Adelaide
Session type: contributed

Multinational Production, Intangible Capital, and Structural Change
   presented by: Xiaohan Zhang , University of International Business and Economics (UIBE)

Dutch Disease, Unemployment and Structural Change
   presented by: Mariano Kulish , University of Sydney

Investment-Specific Technology Shocks in Real Business Cycle Model: Evidence from Bangladesh
   presented by: Saidul Islam , Hitotsubashi University

Dornbusch’s overshooting and the systematic component of monetary policy in SOE-SVARs
   presented by: Naveed Javed , University of Adelaide
Session 7: Gender and Group Identity
August 8, 2023 10:30 to 12:10
Location: BUS 216
Session Chair: Jonathan Levy , University of Sydney
Session type: contributed

Group identity in promotions
   presented by: Le Zhang , Macquarie University

Effect of Social Information on Competition Choice
   presented by: Anand Kumar , Indian Institute of Management Bangalore

Correction of Misperceptions and Spillover Effects on Other Beliefs: Another Look at the Case of Saudi Arabia
   presented by: Elif Incekara-Hafalir , UTS Business School

The gender reference point gap
   presented by: Jonathan Levy , University of Sydney
Session 8: Educational investments
August 8, 2023 10:30 to 12:10
Location: Colombo Th C
Session Chair: Zihan Hu , Cornell University
Session type: contributed

Life-cycle effects of Australian student loans with income-contingent repayments
   presented by: Yue Hua , University of New South Wales

Marriage and Employment Returns to Female Education
   presented by: Mohammad Hoseini , Tehran Institute for Advanced Studies

Deconstructing the Placement Gender Gap: Performance versus Preferences
   presented by: Pelin Akyol , Bilkent University

How Competition Shapes Peer Effects: Evidence from a University in China
   presented by: Zihan Hu , Cornell University
Session 9: Monetary Policy I
August 8, 2023 13:40 to 15:20
Location: Col LG01
Session Chair: Conor Walsh , Columbia University
Session type: contributed

The Power of Open-Mouth Policies
   presented by: Lilia Maliar , The Graduate Center, CUNY

The Impact of Monetary Policy on Homeownership
   presented by: Avish Sharma , The University of Sydney

A single monetary policy for heterogeneous labour markets: the case of the euro area
   presented by: Matija Lozej , Central Bank of Ireland

Are Inflationary Shocks Regressive? A Feasible Set Approach
   presented by: Conor Walsh , Columbia University
Session 10: Banking and Microstructure
August 8, 2023 13:40 to 15:20
Location: Col LG02
Session Chair: Mei Dong , University of Melbourne
Session type: contributed

Pro or Counter cyclical Buffers of Quality Capital: US bank holding companies
   presented by: Barry Williams , Monash University

Regime-Switching Macro Risks in the Term Structure of Interest Rates
   presented by: Sun Ho LEE , Korea University

The Deposit Channel of Fiscal Policy
   presented by: Guangqian Pan , University of Sydney

The dynamic Dirichlet process mixture model: An application to the banking sector in Australia
   presented by: Mei Dong , University of Melbourne
Session 11: Market Design: Invited Speaker Session (Isa Hafalir and Fuhito Kojima)
August 8, 2023 13:40 to 15:20
Location: Col ThB
Session Chair: Anton Kolotilin , University of New South Wales
Session type: invited


Efficient Market Design with Distributional Objectives
   presented by: Isa Hafalir , University of Technology Sydney

Ekkyo Matching: How to Connect Separate Matching Markets for Welfare Improvement
   presented by: Fuhito Kojima , University of Tokyo
Session 12: Causal inference
August 8, 2023 13:40 to 15:20
Location: Colombo Th C
Session Chair: Xueyan Zhao , Monash University
Session type: contributed

Fixed Effects and Causal Inference
   presented by: Daniel Millimet , Southern Methodist University

OLS as Propensity Weighting Estimators and Its Causal Interpretation
   presented by: Fangzhou Yu , University of New South Wales

Double Robust Bayesian Inference on Average Treatment Effects
   presented by: Zhengfei Yu , University of Tsukuba

Bootstrap Hausdorff Confidence Regions for Average Treatment Effect Bounds
   presented by: Xueyan Zhao , Monash University
Session 13: Micro Heterogeneity in Macroeconomics
August 8, 2023 13:40 to 15:20
Location: BUS 115
Session Chair: Alicia Rambaldi , The University of Queensland
Session type: contributed

Uneven growth, redistribution and inequality: Lessons from Australia's three decades of uninterrupted growth
   presented by: Nabeeh Zakariyya , Australian National University

The Effects of Changes in Unemployment Benefits on Consumer Spending: Evidence from the Australian JobSeeker Supplement
   presented by: Gianni La Cava ,

Consumer inflation expectations, buying conditions and spending propensities for new savings
   presented by: Sarantis Tsiaplias , The University of Melbourne

How Do Homes Transfer Across The Income Distribution? The Role of Supply Constraints
   presented by: Alicia Rambaldi , The University of Queensland
Session 14: Schooling
August 8, 2023 13:40 to 15:20
Location: BUS 119
Session Chair: Nalini Prasad , UNSW Sydney
Session type: contributed

Safer in School? Compulsory Schooling Reduces Exposure to Child Maltreatment and Associated harms
   presented by: Adam Akmal Dzulkipli , Monash University

The Effect of School Closures on Standardised Test Scores
   presented by: Nalini Prasad , UNSW Sydney

The Gender Gap in Math: What are we Measuring?
   presented by: Silvia Griselda , Bocconi University

The Effects of Drug Use and Addiction on Schooling and Crime
   presented by: Diego Salazar , National University of Singapore
Session 15: Fertility, Marriage and Leave
August 8, 2023 13:40 to 15:20
Location: BUS 130
Session Chair: Koichi Miyazaki , Hiroshima University
Session type: contributed

Fertility Choice and Human Capital Investment in Developing Countries
   presented by: THU LE , University of New South Wales

Marriage Effect, Education, and Gender Differences
   presented by: Liyuan Dong , National University of Singapore

Efficiency-enhancing role of mandatory leave policy in a search-theoretic model of the labor market
   presented by: Koichi Miyazaki , Hiroshima University
Public Education and Intergenerational Housing Wealth Effects
   presented by: James Graham , University of Sydney

Session 16: Political Economy
August 8, 2023 13:40 to 15:20
Location: BUS 216
Session Chair: Ashani Amarasinghe , University of Sydney
Session type: contributed

The Anti-Corruption Campaign and the Inter-Generational Transmission of Working in Bureaucracy: Evidence from China
   presented by: Shuai Chen , Luxembourg Institute of Socio-Economic Research (LISER)

Agricultural Shocks and Social Conflict in Southeast Asia
   presented by: David Ubilava , University of Sydney

Regime Preferences in Response to Conflict
   presented by: Chrysostomos Tabakis , KDI School of Public Policy and Management

Competing for Attention - The Effect of Talk Radio on Elections and Political Polarization in the US
   presented by: Ashani Amarasinghe , University of Sydney
Session 17: Education
August 8, 2023 15:50 to 17:30
Location: Col LG01
Session Chair: Jiu Lian , Australian National University
Session type: contributed

Migration, Education and Work Opportunities
   presented by: Esther Mirjam Girsberger , University of Technology Sydney

College Majors and Labour Market Mismatch
   presented by: Yi Zhang , University of Queensland

Externalities induced education subsidy
   presented by: Jiu Lian , Australian National University
Session 18: Macroeconometric methods
August 8, 2023 15:50 to 17:30
Location: Col LG02
Session Chair: Seojeong Lee , Seoul National University
Session type: contributed

The Unit-effect Normalisation in Set-identified Structural Vector Autoregressions
   presented by: Matthew Read , Reserve Bank of Australia

Factor IV Estimation in Conditional Moment Models with an application to Inflation Dynamics
   presented by: Xiaolin Sun , Monash University

What Impulse Response Do Instrumental Variables Identify?
   presented by: Seojeong Lee , Seoul National University
Session 19: Applied Theory: Invited Speaker Session (Richard Holden and Steven Callander)
August 8, 2023 15:50 to 17:30
Location: Col ThB
Session Chair: Anton Kolotilin , University of New South Wales
Session type: invited

Coordinating Supply Chains
   presented by: Richard Holden , University of New South Wales
Recombinant Search
   presented by: Steven Callander , Stanford Graduate School of Business
Session 20: Labor market competition
August 8, 2023 15:50 to 17:30
Location: Colombo Th C
Session Chair: Michael Coelli , The University of Melbourne
Session type: contributed

Robots and jobs in Australian labour markets: national and local
   presented by: Michael Coelli , The University of Melbourne

Deunionization and Immigrant Entry
   presented by: Ronit Mukherji , University of British Columbia

Labor Market Competition and the Assimilation of Immigrants
   presented by: Christoph Albert , Collegio Carlo Alberto

Unleashing Mass Entrepreneurship: Firm-Level Evidence on the Impact of China’s Registered Capital Reform
   presented by: Mengying Wei , University of International Business and Economics
Session 21: Growth and Firms
August 8, 2023 15:50 to 17:30
Location: BUS 115
Session Chair: Lichen Zhang , University of Hong Kong
Session type: contributed

The Macro Impact of the Recovery Rate
   presented by: Guangzhi Ye , Nanyang Technological University, Singapore

Blocking Patents, Rent Protection and Economic Growth
   presented by: Yibai Yang , University of Macau

Growth and Firm Dynamics in a Banking System Favoring Big Firms
   presented by: Nurlan Jahangirli , Monash University

The Macroeconomic Implications of Uncertainty and Learning for Entrepreneurship
   presented by: Lichen Zhang , University of Hong Kong
Session 22: Organizations and Competition Policy
August 8, 2023 15:50 to 17:30
Location: BUS 119
Session Chair: Yangguang Huang , Hong Kong University of Science and Tech
Session type: contributed

A Mechanism for Destabilizing Cartels
   presented by: Soumen Banerjee , Southwestern University of Finance and Economics

Company-level GHG emissions and an institutional investor’s active ownership objective: Long-term shareholder, socially responsible investor, common owner or stakeholder-oriented shareholder?
   presented by: Robert Annabel , University of New South Wales

Researcher-Entrepreneur Relationship and Performance of Innovative Startups
   presented by: Yangguang Huang , Hong Kong University of Science and Tech
Session 23: Health
August 8, 2023 15:50 to 17:30
Location: BUS 130
Session Chair: David Jacks , National University of Singapore
Session type: contributed

Infant Mortality Expectation and Fertility Choice
   presented by: Ali Vergili , University of Technology Sydney

Reference Health and Investment Decisions
   presented by: Chunli Cheng , Sun Yat-sen University

Product Variety and Risky Consumption
   presented by: Aljoscha Janssen , Singapore Management University

Later-life Mortality and the Repeal of Federal Prohibition
   presented by: David Jacks , National University of Singapore
Session 24: Asset Pricing and Funds
August 8, 2023 15:50 to 17:30
Location: BUS 216
Session Chair: Christian Hilpert , Sun Yat-sen University
Session type: contributed

Downside Risk and Fund Flow
   presented by: Victoria Liu , FRB Boston

Aggregate Portfolio Choice
   presented by: Joachim Inkmann , University of Melbourne

   presented by: David Feldman , The University of New South Wales

Credit Rating under Ambiguity
   presented by: Christian Hilpert , Sun Yat-sen University
Session 25: Government Policy, Firm and Industry Dynamics
August 9, 2023 10:30 to 12:10
Location: Col LG02
Session Chair: Shengyu Li , The University of New South Wales
Session type: contributed

The Distributional Effects of Electric Vehicle Subsidies in China
   presented by: Junji Xiao , Lingnan University

Tax Policy, Selling Expenses, and the Growth of Young Manufacturing Firms: Evidence from a Tax Incentive Policy
   presented by: Hongsong Zhang , University of Hong Kong

Exporting and Productivity Dynamics in the Chinese Footwear Industry
   presented by: Qinshu Xue , Shanghai Jiao Tong University

Productivity and Quality of Multi-product Firms
   presented by: Shengyu Li , The University of New South Wales
Session 26: Applied Economics: Invited Speaker Session (Michael Keane and Marc Chan)
August 9, 2023 10:30 to 12:10
Location: Col ThB
Session Chair: Alberto Motta , University of New South Wales
Session type: invited

"Understanding Program Complementarities: Estimating the Dynamic Effects of Head Start with Multiple Alternatives" with Antonio Dalla-Zuanna and Kai Liu
   presented by: Marc Chan , University of Melbourne

"Health Shocks, Health Insurance, Human Capital, and the Dynamics of Earnings and Health" with Elena Capatina
   presented by: Michael Keane , Johns Hopkins University and University of New South Wales
Session 27: Financial Intermediation
August 9, 2023 10:30 to 12:10
Location: Colombo Th C
Session Chair: Xin Zhou , NYU Shanghai
Session type: contributed

Are incoming bank CEOs good news? Most clouds have silver linings
   presented by: Jean Pierre Fenech , Monash University

Banking Heterogeneity, Credit Supply and Economic Growth
   presented by: Juan Zurita , University Technology Sydney

The Quality of Banks Matters during an Economic Crises: International Evidence from the Covid-19 Crisis
   presented by: Ruchith Dissanayake , Queensland University of Technology

Trading actiity, risk averion, and risk neutral skewness: evidence from SSE 50ETF Option
   presented by: Xin Zhou , NYU Shanghai
Session 28: Search
August 9, 2023 10:30 to 12:10
Location: BUS 205
Session Chair: Youzhi Yang , Shanghai University of Finance and Economics
Session type: contributed

Search Intensity and Asset Prices
   presented by: Ding Luo , City University of Hong Kong

Job Search, Job Findings and the Role of Unemployment Insurance History
   presented by: Similan Rujiwattanapong , Waseda University

An Equilibrium Labor Market Model with Internal and External Referrals
   presented by: Youzhi Yang , Shanghai University of Finance and Economics
Session 29: Skills and Occupations
August 9, 2023 10:30 to 12:10
Location: Col LG01
Session Chair: Chia-Hui Lu , National Taipei University
Session type: contributed

The Occupational Ladder over the Business Cycle
   presented by: Ismail Baydur , Singapore Management University

Induced Biased Innovation with Capital-Skill Complementarity vs. Acemoglu’s Equilibrium Bias of Technology
   presented by: Yasuyuki Osumi , University of Hyogo

The Underemployment Trap
   presented by: Jie Duan , National University of Singapore

The impact of automation on job reallocation and related government policies
   presented by: Chia-Hui Lu , National Taipei University
Session 30: Information Design
August 9, 2023 10:30 to 12:10
Location: BUS 119
Session Chair: Anton Kolotilin , UNSW Sydney
Session type: contributed

Level-K Information Design
   presented by: Christopher Teh , The University of New South Wales

Information Design for Selling Credence Goods
   presented by: Mofei Zhao , Beihang University

Persuasion with Non-Linear Preferences
   presented by: Anton Kolotilin , UNSW Sydney
Session 31: Social and political consequences of conflict
August 9, 2023 10:30 to 12:10
Location: BUS 130
Session Chair: Sangyoon Park , University of Hong Kong
Session type: contributed

Demand for Political Mobilization: Women's Suffrage and the American Civil War
   presented by: Alice Calder , UNSW

Education and Wartime Mobilization: Evidence from Colonial Korea during WWII
   presented by: Sangyoon Park , University of Hong Kong

Cities, Conflict, and Corridors
   presented by: Nils-Petter Lagerlof , York University

Terrorism, Insurgency, and State Repression in MENA Countries
   presented by: Christophe Muller , Aix-Marseille University
Session 32: Public Policy
August 9, 2023 10:30 to 12:10
Location: BUS 216
Session Chair: Han Gao , University of New South Wales
Session type: contributed

The Long-Run Impacts of Place-based Poverty Alleviation: Human Capital Investment and Labor Market Performance
   presented by: Mingqin Wu , South China Normal University

Land Offers and Fiscal Competition Between City Governments in China
   presented by: Wending Liu , Australian National University

Deferred annuities with gender-neutral pricing: Benefitting most women without adversely affecting too many men
   presented by: Sau Him Lau , University of Hong Kong

Social security and female labor supply in China
   presented by: Han Gao , University of New South Wales
Session 33: Decision Theory
August 9, 2023 13:10 to 15:20
Location: Col LG01
Session Chair: Kentaro Tomoeda , University of Technology Sydney
Session type: contributed

Multigame Contact: A Double-Edged Sword for Cooperation
   presented by: Joao Montez , University of Lausanne

Mervyn King and Maynard Keynes on Money and Uncertainty
   presented by: Keiran Sharpe , Australian Defence Force Academy

A foundation for universalisation in games
   presented by: Enrico Mattia Salonia , Toulouse School of Economics

Tie-breaking or Not: A Choice Function Approach
   presented by: Kentaro Tomoeda , University of Technology Sydney
Session 34: Machine learning methods
August 9, 2023 13:10 to 15:20
Location: Col LG02
Session Chair: Andrey Vasnev , University of Sydney
Session type: contributed

Welfare Cost of Fair Prediction and Pricing in Insurance Market
   presented by: Fei Huang , UNSW Sydney

Explainable Performance
   presented by: Sébastien Saurin , University of Orléans

Insights Into Applying Double LASSO
   presented by: Tim Robinson , University of Melbourne

Flexible global forecast combinations
   presented by: Andrey Vasnev , University of Sydney
Session 35: Macro: Invited Speaker Session (Chris Edmond and Pablo Ottonello)
August 9, 2023 13:10 to 15:20
Location: Col ThB
Session Chair: Petr Sedlacek , University of New South Wales
Session type: invited

Unbundling Labor
   presented by: Chris Edmond , University of Melbourne

Investment, Innovation and Financial Frictions
   presented by: Pablo Ottonello , University of Maryland
Session 36: Gender inequality
August 9, 2023 13:10 to 15:20
Location: Colombo Th C
Session Chair: Yumi Koh , University of Seoul
Session type: contributed

Work, family life and wellbeing of couples during COVID-19
   presented by: Saki Sugano , Daito Bunka University

Work Hour Instability, Occupational Mobility and Gender
   presented by: Francesco Roncone , University of Adelaide

Urbanization and Feminization
   presented by: Yumi Koh , University of Seoul

Session 37: Prejudice, anti-social behavior, and gambling
August 9, 2023 13:10 to 15:20
Location: BUS 205
Session Chair: Elise Payzan-LeNestour , University of New South Wales
Session type: contributed

Paddy and Prejudice: Evidence on the Agricultural Origins of Prejudice from China and 12 other Asian Societies
   presented by: An Huang , Monash University

Experimental Insights on Anti-Social Behavior: Two Meta-Analyses
   presented by: Daniel Zizzo , University of Queensland

Pavlovian Influences on Repeated Risk-Taking: Theory and Evidence
   presented by: Elise Payzan-LeNestour , University of New South Wales
Session 38: Network Economics
August 9, 2023 13:10 to 15:20
Location: BUS 119
Session Chair: Mikhail Anufriev , University of Technology Sydney
Session type: contributed

The Estimation of Diffusion Processes with Private Network Information
   presented by: Yiran Xie , The University of Sydney

The emergence of fads in a changing world
   presented by: Wanying Huang , California Institute of Technology

Bad Networks
   presented by: Daniel Thornton , University of New South Wales

Hypocrisy in a Simple Social Interaction Model
   presented by: Mikhail Anufriev , University of Technology Sydney
Session 39: Heterogeneity, networks and peers
August 9, 2023 13:10 to 15:20
Location: BUS 130
Session Chair: Fedor Iskhakov , Australian National University
Session type: contributed

   presented by: Ayden Higgins , University of Oxford

Estimating Nonlinear Network Data Models with Fixed Effects
   presented by: David Hughes , Boston College

Peer Effects in the Demand for Private Health Insurance
   presented by: Ali Furkan Kalay ,

Location, Social Norms and Recycling
   presented by: Fedor Iskhakov , Australian National University
Session 40: Dynamic Impacts of Trade
August 9, 2023 13:10 to 15:20
Location: BUS 216
Session Chair: Arpita Chatterjee , University of New South Wales
Session type: contributed

Partial Specialization and Heterogeneous Task Assignment
   presented by: Chen Liu , National University of Singapore

Labour Market Power and the Dynamic Gains to Openness Reforms
   presented by: Adam Spencer , The University of Nottingham

Optimal Time-Consistent Capital Controls as Dynamic Terms-of-Trade Manipulation
   presented by: Guangyu Nie , Shanghai University of Finance and Economics

Food, Fuel, and Facts: Distributional Effects of External Shocks
   presented by: Arpita Chatterjee , University of New South Wales
Session 41: Misallocation and Inequality
August 9, 2023 16:50 to 18:30
Location: Col LG01
Session Chair: Alejandro Rojas-Bernal , The University of British Columbia
Session type: contributed

Markups and Misallocation Across Privately and Publicly-Held Firms
   presented by: Patrick Elkington , Reserve Bank of Australia

Sources of Inequality and Business Cycles: Evidence from the US and Japan
   presented by: Kengo Nutahara , Senshu University

The Inception of Capitalism through the Lens of Firms
   presented by: Krisztina Orban , University of Chicago

Inequality Under Production Networks
   presented by: Alejandro Rojas-Bernal , The University of British Columbia
Session 42: Risk, Inequality and Trading Firms
August 9, 2023 16:50 to 18:30
Location: Col LG02
Session Chair: Ziho Park , National Taiwan University
Session type: contributed

Strategic Carry-Along Trade
   presented by: Zhe Chen , University of International Business and Economics

Protectionism and Inequality
   presented by: Zinan Wang , Tianjin University

Trade Policy Uncertainty, Offshoring, and the Environment: Evidence from US Manufacturing Establishments
   presented by: Ziho Park , National Taiwan University
Session 43: Markets, Platforms and Business Practices
August 9, 2023 16:50 to 18:30
Location: Colombo Th C
Session Chair: Joonkyo Hong , National Taiwan University
Session type: contributed

Estimation and Inference in Games of Incomplete Information with Unobserved Heterogeneity and Large State Space
   presented by: Xuetao Shi , University of Sydney

Disappointment looms around the corner: Visibility and businesses’ local market power
   presented by: Romain Gauriot , Deakin University

Selling Subscriptions
   presented by: Benjamin Klopack , Texas A &M

Sunk Cost and Entrant's Choice of Capacity
   presented by: Joonkyo Hong , National Taiwan University
Session 44: Monetary Policy II
August 9, 2023 16:50 to 18:30
Location: BUS 205
Session Chair: Jonathan Hambur , Reserve Bank of Australia
Session type: contributed

A Structural Measure of the Shadow Federal Funds Rate
   presented by: James Morley , University of Sydney

Estimating Shadow Policy Rates in a Small Open Economy and the Role of Foreign Factors
   presented by: Markus Kirchner , Central Bank of Chile

Stock Effects of the Bank of Japan’s Equity Holdings
   presented by: Hibiki Ichiue , Keio University

Can we use high-frequency data to better understand the effects of monetary policy and its communication? Yes and no!
   presented by: Jonathan Hambur , Reserve Bank of Australia
Session 45: Applied microeconometrics
August 9, 2023 16:50 to 18:30
Location: BUS 119
Session Chair: Joseph Mullins , University of Minnesota
Session type: contributed

Why Are Replication Rates So Low?
   presented by: Patrick Vu , Brown University

Identifying Treatment Effects on Productivity: Theory with An Application to Firms' AI Adoption
   presented by: Moyu Liao , Nanjing University

The Unintended Effects of an Intensive Margin Reform to Student Loans on Educational Attainment
   presented by: Andrés García-Echalar , Universidad de los Andes, Chile

A structural meta-analysis of welfare reform experiments and their impacts on children
   presented by: Joseph Mullins , University of Minnesota
Session 46: Contract Theory
August 9, 2023 16:50 to 18:30
Location: BUS 130
Session Chair: Luis Vasconcelos , University of Technology Sydney
Session type: contributed

Optimal task design: production and learning with moral hazard and adverse selection
   presented by: Alexander Rodivilov , Stevens Institute of Technology

Optimal policy of storage in electricity markets
   presented by: Sergei Balakin , Monash University

Monopoly Pricing with Unknown Demand
   presented by: Thomas Weber , Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne

Optimal Job Design and Information Elicitation
   presented by: Luis Vasconcelos , University of Technology Sydney
Session 47: Early Childhood Development
August 9, 2023 16:50 to 18:30
Location: BUS 216
Session Chair: Adeline Delavande , University of Technology Sydney
Session type: contributed

Kinship, Parental Investments, and Child Vocalizations
   presented by: Adeline Delavande , University of Technology Sydney

Long-Term Impacts of Extreme Deprivation in Infancy, Childhood, and Adolescence
   presented by: Katsuo Kogure , University of Aizu

Fertility Policy Relaxation and Intra-Household Bargaining: Evidence from China's One-Child Policy Generation
   presented by: Xinran Hu , University of Melbourne

The Effect of Maternal Labor Supply on Children: Evidence from Bunching
   presented by: Gregorio Caetano , University of Georgia
Session 48: Econometrics: Invited Speaker Session (Nadja Klein and Robert Kohn)
August 9, 2023 16:50 to 18:30
Location: Col ThB

Session Chair: Denzil Fiebig , University of New South Wales
Session type: invited

Deep Distributional Time Series Models and the Probabilistic Forecasting of Intraday Electricity Prices
   presented by: Nadja Klein , Technische Universität Dortmund
Flexible Variational Bayes based on a Copula of a Mixture of Normals
   presented by: Robert Kohn , University of New South Wales
Session 49: Taxation
August 10, 2023 10:30 to 12:10
Location: Col LG01
Session Chair: Anastasios Karantounias , University of Surrey
Session type: contributed

Optimal Nonlinear Income Taxes in an Overlapping Generations Model
   presented by: Weizhen Hu , Central South University

Redistributive taxation in the Roy model: capital-skill complementarity vs. trickle down
   presented by: C.C. Yang , Academia Sinica

The Macroeconomic and Distributional Effects of Progressive Income Tax Cuts
   presented by: George Kudrna , University of New South Wales

Greed versus Fear: Optimal Time-Consistent Taxation with Default
   presented by: Anastasios Karantounias , University of Surrey
Session 50: High dimensional methods
August 10, 2023 10:30 to 12:10
Location: Col LG02
Session Chair: Jiun-Hua Su , Academia Sinica
Session type: contributed

Inference on nonstationarity and common stochastic trends in high-dimensional or functional time series
   presented by: Won-Ki Seo , University of Sydney

Disentangling Structural Breaks in High Dimensional Factor Models
   presented by: Ze-Yu Zhong , Monash University

Random Subspace Local Projections
   presented by: Viet Hoang Dinh , Monash University

Utility-Maximizing Binary Prediction via the Nearest Neighbor Method and Its Application to Credit Scoring
   presented by: Jiun-Hua Su , Academia Sinica
Session 51: Environment and behavior
August 10, 2023 10:30 to 12:10
Location: Colombo Th C
Session Chair: Andrew Ireland , Monash University
Session type: contributed

Behavioural impact of marine protected areas in international waters: evidence from Antarctica
   presented by: Yifan Lu , University of Tasmania

Extreme Heat, Work Attendance and Hours Worked
   presented by: Andrew Ireland , Monash University

If you build it, will they compost? The effects of municipal composting services on household waste disposal and landfill emissions
   presented by: Lihini de Silva ,
Session 52: Dynamics and forecasting
August 10, 2023 10:30 to 12:10
Location: BUS 205
Session Chair: Timothy Neal , University of New South Wales
Session type: contributed

Dynamics of distributions: earnings, income and wealth
   presented by: Masaya Takano , Monash University

Credit expansion and boom-bust cycle of housing prices
   presented by: Masaya Sakuragawa ,

Electricity Price Spike Clustering: A Zero-inflated PARX Approach
   presented by: Ye Lu , University of Sydney

A Known Unknown: The Future Impact of Climate Change on the Global Economy
   presented by: Timothy Neal , University of New South Wales
Session 53: Conflict/History
August 10, 2023 10:30 to 12:10
Location: BUS 119
Session Chair: Jean Lacroix , Université Paris-Saclay
Session type: contributed

“Tribal, Partisan, and Hateful: How Politicians Shape the Public Debate” by Lehan Zhang, Gabriele Gratton, Pauline Grosjean, and Hasin Yousaf
   presented by: Hasin Yousaf , University of New South Wales
"The long Civil War: White casualties and anti-Black racism in the US South" by Federico Masera and Sarah Walker
   presented by: Federico Masera , University of New South Wales
Dynamic secessions: Definition and Evidence from the US Civil War
   presented by: Jean Lacroix , Université Paris-Saclay
Session 54: Mechanism Design II
August 10, 2023 10:30 to 12:10
Location: BUS 130
Session Chair: Benjamin Young , University of Technology Sydney
Session type: contributed

   presented by: Daniel Marszalec , International Christian University

Market power and information effects in a multi-unit auction
   presented by: Peiyao Shen , ShanghaiTech University

Efficiency in Queuing Under Decentralized Mechanisms
   presented by: Brett Williams , University of New South Wales

Mechanism Design with Endogenous Perception
   presented by: Benjamin Young , University of Technology Sydney
Session 61: Macro: Invited speaker session (Wouter den Haan and Greg Kaplan)
August 10, 2023 10:30 to 12:10
Location: Col ThB
Session Chair: Petr Sedlacek , University of New South Wales
Session type: invited

Inventories and the Role of Goods-Market Frictions for Business Cycles
   presented by: Wouter den Haan , London School of Economics

   presented by: Greg Kaplan , University of Chicago
Session 55: Non-Rational Agents
August 10, 2023 13:10 to 14:50
Location: BUS 205
Session Chair: Pei Cheng Yu , University of New South Wales
Session type: contributed

Animal Spirit in the HANK Model: How Does Cognitive Bias Affect Policy Making?
   presented by: Chih-Han Hsueh , UNSW

Optimal monetary policy when agents are rational, naïve, or anything in between
   presented by: Christopher Gibbs , The University of Sydney

The Sentiment Channel of Monetary Policy
   presented by: Pratiti Chatterjee , University of New South Wales

Optimal Unemployment Insurance with Present-Biased Agents
   presented by: Pei Cheng Yu , University of New South Wales
Session 56: Financial Frictions
August 10, 2023 13:10 to 14:50
Location: Col LG01
Session Chair: Ding Dong , The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
Session type: contributed

Trade credit in a developing country: the role of large suppliers in the production network
   presented by: Pierluca Pannella , Sao Paulo School of Economics - FGV

The Effects of Central Bank Extraordinary Measures on Financial Conditions: Evidence from Mexico
   presented by: Raul Ibarra , Banco de Mexico

Entrepreneurial Risk Shocks and Financial Acceleration Asymmetry-A Two-Country DSGE Model
   presented by: Xin Zheng , Beijing Institute of Technology

Turbulent Business Cycles
   presented by: Ding Dong , The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
Session 57: Market Mechanisms
August 10, 2023 13:10 to 14:50
Location: Col LG02
Session Chair: Ke Liu , Jinan University
Session type: contributed

Auctions vs. Negotiations: Evidence from Government Bond Issuance
   presented by: Masanori Tsuruoka , Yokohama National University

Takeovers and licensing in spatial competition
   presented by: Joel Sandonis , University of Alicante

Exclusive Contracts with Both Upstream and Downstream Entry
   presented by: Ke Liu , Jinan University

Session 58: Applied Economics: Invited (Pauline Grosjean and Nico Voigtländer)
August 10, 2023 13:10 to 14:50
Location: Col ThB
Session Chair: Federico Masera , University of New South Wales
Session type: invited

War, Polarization, and Partisanship (with Saumitra Jha, Michael Vlassopoulos and Yves Zenou)
   presented by: Pauline Grosjean , University of New South Wales

Organizing a Kingdom (with Charles Angelucci and Simone Meraglia)
   presented by: Nico Voigtländer , University of California Los Angeles
Session 59: Information Economics
August 10, 2023 13:10 to 14:50
Location: Colombo Th C
Session Chair: Toan Le , The University of Melbourne
Session type: contributed

Correlated Persuasion and Information Leakage
   presented by: Keiichi Kawai , Keio University

Learning by Consuming: Optimal Pricing with Endogenous Information Provision
   presented by: Wei He , The Chinese University of Hong Kong

(In)complete information bargaining
   presented by: Toan Le , The University of Melbourne
Session 60: Topics in Labor Economics and Aging
August 10, 2023 13:10 to 14:50
Location: BUS 119
Session Chair: Takafumi Suzuki , Aichi Shukutoku University
Session type: contributed

Radiating knowledge? Spillover effects among physicians
   presented by: Giovanni van Empel , Monash University

Signaling Workers’ Quality in a Developing Country: Lessons from a Certification Program
   presented by: M. Antonella Mancino , Wilfrid Laurier University

Labor Supply and Well-being among Older Adults: The Separate Effects of Pension Access and Statutory Retirement Age
   presented by: Xuan Zhang , Singapore Management University

Does place-based policy work in rural areas? Causal evidence from Japan
   presented by: Takafumi Suzuki , Aichi Shukutoku University


Index of Participants

Legend: C=chair, P=Presenter, D=Discussant
# Participant Roles in Conference
2 Akyol, Pelin P8
3 Albert, Christoph P20
5 Amarasinghe, Ashani P16 , C16
6 Annabel, Robert P22
7 Anufriev, Mikhail P38 , C38
8 Bahl, Ojasvita P1
9 Bai, Yu P5
10 Balakin, Sergei P46
11 Banerjee, Soumen P22
12 Baydur, Ismail P29
13 Beare, Brendan P5 , C5
14 Brueckner, Markus P1
15 Bunting, Jackson P5
16 Caetano, Carolina P3 , C3
17 Caetano, Gregorio P47
18 Calder, Alice P31
19 Chatterjee, Arpita P40 , C40
20 Chatterjee, Pratiti P55
21 Chen, Shuai P16
22 Chen, Yu-Chang P3
23 Chen, Zhe P42
24 Cheng, Chunli P23
25 Coelli, Michael P20 , C20
26 de Silva, Lihini P51
27 Delavande, Adeline P47 , C47
28 Dinh, Viet Hoang P50
29 Dissanayake, Ruchith P24
30 Dong, Mei P10 , C10
31 Dong, Ding P56 , C56
32 Dong, Liyuan P15
33 Duan, Jie P29
34 Dzulkipli, Adam Akmal P14
35 Elkington, Patrick P41
36 Feldman, David P27
37 Fenech, Jean Pierre P24
38 Fu, Qiang P2
39 Gao, Han P32 , C32
40 García-Echalar, Andrés P45
41 Gauriot, Romain P43
42 Gibbs, Christopher P55
43 Girsberger, Esther Mirjam P8 , C8
44 Graham, James P15
45 Griselda, Silvia P14
46 Guo, Yanran P1
47 Hafalir, Isa D11
48 Hambur, Jonathan P44 , C44
49 He, Wei P59
50 Higgins, Ayden P39
51 Hilpert, Christian P27 , C27
52 Hong, Joonkyo P43 , C43
53 Hoseini, Mohammad P8
54 Hsueh, Chih-Han P55
55 Hu, Zihan P8
56 Hu, Xinran P47
57 Hu, Weizhen P49
58 Hua, Yue P17
60 Huang, Fei P34
61 Huang, Wanying P38
62 Huang, Yangguang P22 , C22
63 Huang, An P37
64 Hughes, David P39
65 Ibarra, Raul P56
66 Ichiue, Hibiki P44
67 Incekara-Hafalir, Elif P7
68 Inkmann, Joachim P27
69 Ireland, Andrew P51 , C51
70 Iskhakov, Fedor P39 , C39
71 Islam, Saidul P6
72 Jacks, David P23 , C23
73 Jahangirli, Nurlan P21
74 Janssen, Aljoscha P23
75 Javed, Naveed P6 , C6
76 Kalay, Ali Furkan P39
77 Karantounias, Anastasios P49 , C49
78 Kawai, Keiichi P57
79 Kirchner, Markus P44
80 Klopack, Benjamin P43
81 Kogure, Katsuo P47
82 Koh, Yumi P36
83 Kojima, Fuhito D11
84 Kolotilin, Anton P30 , C30
85 Kudrna, George P49
86 Kulish, Mariano P6
87 Kumar, Anand P7
88 La Cava, Gianni P13
89 Lacroix, Jean P53 , C53
90 Lagerlof, Nils-Petter P31
91 Lau, Sau Him P32
92 Le, Toan P59 , C59
93 LE, THU P15
94 LEE, Sun Ho P10
95 Lee, Seojeong P18 , C18
96 Lee, Wooyong P3
97 Levy, Jonathan P7 , C7
98 Li, Shengyu P25 , C25
99 Li, Wei P4
100 Lian, Jiu P17 , C17
101 Liao, Moyu P45
102 Liu, Chang P4 , C4
103 Liu, Ke P57
104 Liu, Wending P32
105 Liu, Victoria P27
106 Liu, Chen P40
107 Lozej, Matija P9
108 Lu, Ye P52
109 Lu, Chia-Hui P29 , C29
110 Lu, Yifan P51
111 Luo, Ding P28
112 Maliar, Lilia P9
113 Mancino, M. Antonella P60
115 Marszalec, Daniel P54
116 Meinecke, Juergen P5
117 Mezzetti, Claudio P2 , C2
118 Millimet, Daniel P12
119 Miyazaki, Koichi P15 , C15
121 Montez, Joao P33
122 Morley, James P44
123 Mukherji, Ronit P20
124 Muller, Christophe P31
125 Mullins, Joseph P45 , C45
127 Neal, Timothy P52 , C52
128 Nie, Guangyu P40
129 Nutahara, Kengo P41
130 Orban, Krisztina P41
131 Osumi, Yasuyuki P29
132 Pan, Guangqian P10
133 Pannella, Pierluca P56
134 Park, Sangyoon P31 , C31
135 Park, Ziho P42 , C42
136 Payzan-LeNestour, Elise P37 , C37
137 Prasad, Nalini P14 , C14
138 Rambaldi, Alicia P13 , C13
139 Read, Matthew P18
140 Robinson, Tim P34
141 Rodivilov, Alexander P46
142 Rojas-Bernal, Alejandro P41 , C41
143 Roncone, Francesco P36
144 Rujiwattanapong, Similan P28
145 Sakuragawa, Masaya P52
146 Salazar, Diego P14
147 Salonia, Enrico Mattia P33
148 Sandonis, Joel P57 , C57
149 Saurin, Sébastien P34
150 Seo, Won-Ki P50
151 Seong, Dakyung P3
152 Sharma, Avish P9
153 Sharpe, Keiran P33
154 Shen, Peiyao P54
155 Shi, Xuetao P43
156 Shin, Michael P4
157 Silva, Francisco P2
158 Song, Melissa P4
159 Spencer, Adam P40
160 Su, Jiun-Hua P50 , C50
161 Sugano, Saki P36
162 Sun, Xiaolin P18
163 Suzuki, Takafumi P60 , C60
164 Tabakis, Chrysostomos P16
165 Takano, Masaya P52
166 Teh, Christopher P30
167 Thornton, Daniel P38
168 Tomoeda, Kentaro P33 , C33
169 Tsiaplias, Sarantis P13
170 Tsuruoka, Masanori P57
171 Ubilava, David P16
172 van Empel, Giovanni P60
173 Vasconcelos, Luis P46 , C46
174 Vasnev, Andrey P34 , C34
175 Vergili, Ali P23
176 Vu, Patrick P45
177 Walsh, Conor P9 , C9
178 Wang, Zinan P42
179 Watt, Mitchell P2
180 Weber, Thomas P46
181 Wei, Mengying P20
182 Williams, Barry P10
183 Williams, Brett P54
184 Wu, Mingqin P32
185 Xiao, Junji P25
186 Xie, Yiran P38
187 Xue, Qinshu P25
188 Yang, Youzhi P28
189 Yang, Yibai P21
191 Yang, C.C. P49
192 Ye, Guangzhi P21
193 Young, Benjamin P54 , C54
194 Yu, Pei Cheng P55 , C55
196 Yu, Fangzhou P12
197 Yu, Zhengfei P12
198 Zakariyya, Nabeeh P13
199 Zhang, Hongsong P25
200 Zhang, Xuan P60
201 Zhang, Xiaohan P6
202 Zhang, Yi P17
203 Zhang, Lichen P21 , C21
204 Zhang, Le P7
205 Zhao, Mofei P30
206 Zhao, Xueyan P12 , C12
207 Zheng, Xin P56
208 Zhong, Ze-Yu P50
209 Zhou, Xin P24 , C24
210 Zhou, Xuan P1 , C1
211 Zizzo, Daniel P37
212 Zurita, Juan P24


This program was last updated on 2023-07-14 10:11:39 EDT